105 STL Algorithms in Less Than an Hour
- 3 分钟前配套食用:The C++ Conference bellevue 2018
这是 2018 年 CPPCon 会议的演讲,从 STL 的优点开始讲起,从 for_each 说起,展示了了一张 STL algorithms 地图【基于权力的游戏地图】,包含了 C++ 17 以来的所有 STL 算法。今日目标:眼熟 STL algorithms 库有哪些算法就算成功!
Land of Permutation
std::make_heap(begin(numbers), end(numbers));
- std::push_heap(begin(number), end(numbers));
- std::pop_heap(begin(numbers), end(numbers));
- sort
- partial_sort: sort the begining of a collection;
- nth_elements: if the worle things was sorted, get the nth element. And everything on the left is smaller and everything on the right is not smaller.
- sort_heap
- inplace_merge: merges two ordered ranges in-place;
- partition: divides a range of elements into two groups;
- partition_point: locates the partition point of a partitioned range;
- rotate: 旋转数组
- shuffle
- next_permutation
- pre_permutation
- reverse
Secret Runes
- stable_sort : 稳定排序
- stable_partition
- is_sorted
- is_partitioned
- is_heap
- is_sorted_until
- is_heap_until
- is_partitioned_until
- count_if
Lands of Queries
Numeric Algorithms
- count: returns the number of elements satisfying specific criteria.
- inner_prodcut:
- accumulate: sums up a range of elements;
- reduce: 实现同样的累加操作。1
- adjacent_difference: computes the differences between adjacent elements in a range
- partial_sum: computes the partial sum of a range of elements
- sample: selects n random elements from a sequence;
Querying a Property
- all_of
- any_of
- none_of
checks if a predicate is true for all, any or none of the elements in a range;
- equal: determines if two sets of elements are the same;
- is_permutation: determines if a sequence is a permutation of another sequence;
- lexicographical_compare: 如果 one range 在字典上小于 another range,则返回true;
- mismatch: return a pair of iterators pointing to the first position they differ;
Searching a Value
Not Sorted:
- find: finds the first element satisfying specific criteria;
- adjacent_find: find two adjacent value occur and are equal to target;
- equal_range: returns range of elements matching a specific key;
- lower_bound: returns an iterator to the first element not less than the given value;
- upper_bound: returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certain value;
- binary_search: determines if an element exists in a certain range;
Searching a Range
- search: looking for the occurrence of the sub range in a big range;
- find_end: finds the last sequence of elements in a certain range;
- find_first_of: searches for any one of a set of elements;
Searching a Relative Value
- max_element
- min_element
- minmax_element
Glorious County of Algos on Sets
- set_difference: takes two sets and returns the elements that are in the first one but not in the second one.
- set_intersection;
- set_union;
- set_symmetric_difference
- include
- merge
Territory of Mover
- copy(first, last , out);
- move: moves a range of elements to a new location;
- swap_ranges: swaps two ranges of elements;
- copy_backward
- move_backward
Land of Value Modifiers
- fill
- generate
- itoa
- replace
Island of Structure Changers
- remove: 只是将不等于删除目标的元素前移,不改变数组大小;
- erase
- unique: remove 重复元素
- *_copy
- remove_copy
- unique_copy
- reverse_copy
- rotate_copy
- replace_copy
- partition_copy
- partial_sort_copy
- *_if
- find_if
- find_if_not
- count_if
- remove_if
- remove_copy_if
- replace_if
- replace_copy_if
- copy_if
Lonely Land
- transform: applies a function to a range of elements, storing results in a destination range;
- for_each: retnurn void, applies a function to a range of elements;
Peninsula of Raw Memory
fill, copy, move 三个操作在原始内存上进行操作;
- uninitialized_copy: copies a range of objects to an uninitialized area of memory;
- uninitialized_fill: copies an object to an uninitialized area of memory, defined by a range;
- uninitialized_move: moves a range of objects to an uninitialized area of memory;
- destory: destroys a range of objects;
- uninitialized_default_construct
- uninitialized_value_construct
begin and size n
- copy_n
- fill_n
- generate_n
- search_n
- for_each_n
- uninitialized_copy_n
- uninitialized_fill_n
- uninitialized_move_n
- uninitialized_default_construct_n
- uninitialized_value_construct_n
- destory_n
除了标准模版库中的算法库,还有其他的一些算法库,比如 Boost.Algorithms.
- Cplusplus Standard Template Library: Algorithms
- cppreference algorithms library
- The World Map of C++ STL Algorithms